Friday, July 28, 2006

Schitzophrenics Anonymous

These are the sort of things you might hear at a Schitzophrenics Anonymous Meeting:

"I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, keep me here."

"How do you spell 'schitzophrenic?'"
"I don't know, ask your other personality."

"I'm not schitzophrenic...and neither am I."

"The first step to overcoming schitzophrenia is to recognize that only in your mind have 'two become one'. Or is it 'one become two'?"

I wonder what happens when the psychologist asks them to break up into groups of 3...

[Ok, I know that I am incorrectly using the term 'schitzophrenic' for multiple personality disorder but "Split-personalities Anonymous" just doesn't sound as fun. So if you don't like this post, take it up with my other self, Kione.]

1 comment:

Heather said...

Matt. 18:20--the proof text for the schitzophrenic.