Monday, June 23, 2008

African Safari

This past week we had Kid's Krusade at our church. It went very well and many children got saved (over 30). I even had the privilege of leading a girl to the Lord. God is so good!

The theme for Kid's Krusade this year was "African Safari", which was of special interest to me since I used to live in Africa. I was able to talk to the 5th graders about life in Africa and show them pictures.

My daughter got to attend Kid's Krusade for the first time this year and had a blast. While we were decorating the auditorium the night before
the Krusade, someone brought out a large, life-size tiger to decorate with. (There are no tigers in Africa, by the way.) My daughter went over to the tiger and was looking it over. When she was done she went over to the youth pastor's wife and asked, "Why does that tiger have a little triangle thing under it?" Miss Angie tried not to laugh as she answered, "That just means it's a boy tiger." You never know what's going to pop out of my daughter's mouth.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Tigers in Africa. When are people ever going to learn. That's like putting penguins in space or polar bears are mysterious islands...